Coil Housing Types
Slide-out housings
Slide-out housings are used in applications where the coils need to be easily removed to facilitate inspection, cleaning, or replacement. The housing contains slots which are sized for the individual coils, which slide in/out and are secured with an attached front bolting plate (see slide-out case design). This type of housing allows for easy coil removal to facilitate inspection, cleaning, or replacement.
Airtight housings
Airtight housings are built to ensure that there is no cross-contamination between the process air stream and the environment. These housing can be designed to withstand pressures ranging from full vacuum to over 100 psig.
Air handling units
In addition to the various types of coils and housings we design and manufacture, Advanced Coil also builds custom, complete, and robust air handling units. Apart from the coils themselves, we can include in these units: dampers/louvers, filter banks, blowers/fans, and access doors and panels. In larger air handling units where weight or size may make installation difficult, the separate components can be designed to detach from one another. Manufacturing the entire air handling unit at a single site ensures the compatibility of the individual components and eases the packaging and installation burdens on the end user.

Fig. 1 – Air Handling Unit with a filter bank, access door, two steam coils stacked on top of each other, and two more access doors arranged in series. The access panels ease the processes of replacing the filters and inspecting and cleaning of the coils.

Fig. 2 – An air handling unit that has a filter bank, a steam coil, a bolted access panel, and a fluid coil arranged in series. A side access panel near the filter bank allows the filters to be easily removed for replacement, and the access panel between the coils permits easy access to inspect and clean each of the coils.

Fig. 3 – Air handling unit with louvers, an access door, a steam coil, and another access door arranged in series. The bolting pattern around the louvers are designed to meet with an existing duct, and the access doors provide a convenient way to conduct maintenance on all components of the air handling unit.
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